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3D concepts and knowing how big the room is!3D concepts and knowing how big the room is!
3D concepts and knowing how big the room is!3D concepts and knowing how big the room is!

3D concepts and knowing how big the room is!

3D concepts and knowing how big the room is!

Supa Group
Supa Group
May 29, 2015
May 29, 2015
minute read

Consider this. Have you ever walked through an empty house and tried to visualise how it would look furnished or more importantly, would that very expensive King size designer bed you have just bought fit in the master bedroom? Are you having second thoughts on your purchase because the room looks so much smaller than you remember.

Breathe easier; there is a simple answer. It’s all about…scaling and perspective.

Perspective. noun.

‘The art of representing three-dimensial objects on a two dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth and position in relation to each other.’

It’s a common dilemma that most of our clients face when viewing Architectural 3D Concepts. Yes we provide the measurements; length and width of the room but what does that really mean? How do you know if a 4 x 3 room is small or large, and no gentlemen, it’s not a condition that afflicts women only!

Answer: Perpective.


When we present our 3D Interior Designs we create perspective by furnishing the rooms with items familiar in size, for example placing a King size bed in the master bedroom allows you to scale and get a true sense of how big the room really is. It’s not only about getting the design right for you but takes you on a virtual walk through your potential new home.

3D Concepts

How do you know if the size of the design is right?

When designing open-plan kitchen, dining and living areas there are invisible walkways in the plan. What do I mean you ask?

Simply speaking, will I be able to walk through the space between the kitchen island bench and the back of the couch or the dining table. The placement of furniture in these new spaces that will be added to your home such as couches, the T.V, dining table and stools for the kitchen bench is imperative in getting the flow and size of the design to work around your lifestyle and family.

3D Concept 1

Talk of family, we make sure our Designs not only accomodate your family’s current needs but thought is given to the future. Right now your young children more than likely have single or king-single beds and desks but as they grow their requirements change. It’s our job to make sure that in a few years the larger bed will fit so you don’t grow out of your home.

[free_consultation]Our 3D design consultants can help you envision your home extension. Book a complimentary session today.


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